JAWS PANKRATION 2021 giveaway!

JAWS PANKRATION 2021 'Up till Down' Special gift for particpants

Introduction of novelties Vol2

JAWS PANKRATION 2021 Giveaway!

As we did at last year's JAWS SONIC, we are preparing a giveaway for those who warm up the event on Twitter. For this time, we have preparedT-shirts (LL size), Acrylic blocks, and Stickers

Let's spread the event using the hashtag and warm up it!

We would like to ask you to use the 3 hashtags below to spread the events!

  • #jawspankration
  • #jawspankration2021
  • #jawsug

We're expecting reactions from Japan but also all over the world during the entire 24 hours!

We're waiting for you to register for the event!


Looking forward to seeing you at the event!!