We made acrylic blocks as a special gift.

JAWS PANKRATION 2021 ~Up till Down~ Participant Benefits

Introduction of special gift Vol3

We made acrylic blocks as a special gift.

In addition to T-shirts and stickers, we also made acrylic blocks as a special gift for the speakers at JAWS PANKRATION 2021 -Up till Down-. In this article, I will introduce the process of making the acrylic blocks and how to use them.

First of all, the company that responded to our extremely short delivery time was Kanpuri Group that helped us with the various stickers for JAWS DAYS 2021

Placed an order only 4 days after the logo completion!

This will be a "follow-the-sun" style, "crazy" event that broadcasts AWS users around the world as the earth rotates, so we needed to deliver special gift to speakers around the world.

The delivery time for overseas shipping is very tight, and the special gift needed to be ordered at least 1 and half months before the delivery.

Therefore, we proceeded with preparations in parallel before the logo was completed. I visited Kampuri and had a meeting, then decided the direction to print on the back side of the acrylic block.

There was only 4 days left by the deadline to place an order after the designer finished the logo. As soon as I received the JAWS PANKRATION shark logo wearing a judo suit, I drew a rough sketch.

The rought sketch at planning phase.

The background image was drawn in Illustrator imitating the original and finished with a filter. Therefore, it is different from the posted one on the web site.

Despite the very short lead time, they made a sample for us!

It is difficult to recognize from the photo though, the impression changes greatly if the white primer is applied on the back side of the shark or not.
If the base is painted white, it will be difficult to see through, resulting in clear printing. On the other hand, for a background containing lightning, such as this one, the subject will stand out better if it is transparent.

In order to convey this subtle nuance, the person in charge printed a sample on a transparent plastic board for us, so that we can compared them. (Thank you very much !!)
Despite the short delivery time, we were able to complete it without mishap proceeding these precise adjustments!  

Usage of acrylic blocks

The steering committee members looked for ways to use the acrylic blocks that were made with such great effort. As we tried out several usage, please let me introduce some of them.

Idea 1. Wouldn't using them as chopstick rests make the dining table more gorgeous?

Yes, I have actually tried it.
This is a very strange dinner as my house is under renovation, but I hope you could understand what I want to do. It seemed a little too big for a chopstick rest.

Idea 2. Use it as a ring holder so you can get along!

I've tried it.
I imagined hooking it in a corner, but the acrylic block was too thick and it slipped off.
It is problem if the happiness will slip off with it, so I'll hold off on using it!

Idea 3. Paperweight

I asked my sons to bring me back a calligraphy set!, but they smoothly refused. So I wrote with a paint brush for Gunpla(Plastic model of Gundam.)
It may be good to write on Japanese writing paper but little bit large
After this, I tried to use it as a brush rest, but the brush slipped off and the desk got dirty.


Idea4. Exposure adjustment with camera

This is it..?
Challenge anyway! So, I tried it.

This is the photo.

Somehow it was finished looking fantastic, nostalgic, and anarchic!
Seriously, the shark doesn't let light through, so it becomes the shielding rather than adjusting the exposure.

Idea5. How about for key rest?

I would not recommend this. The metal would scrape the acrylic and tear it to shreds. (The photo on the left)
Also, please don't use it as a pot stand, as it will melt(The photo on the right.)
It is commonplace though, we would appreciate if you could decorate it(The photo on the right.)

Thank you for reading to the end of the article.

The special gift will be arriving soon to the speakers, JAWS-UG chapter management, and AWS Japan applicants!

We are currently processing shipments, including international shipments. The speakers will receive their special gift soon, so please wait for a while!

We're also planning a giveaway!

We're planning some giveaways, so stay tuned! We're waiting for you to register for the event!

Looking forward to seeing you at the event!!