What makes me to migrate entire VPC

2021-11-21 11:40 ~ 2021-11-21 12:00

I tried to join the AWS account which existed before I created AWS Organizations, with the AWS Organizations.
However ended up having to migrate entire resources in VPC to a different AWS account.
This session will talk about what I got into and what I learned.
I'm Naomi, works for Infrastructure team in Consumers CO-OP Sapporo.
Before CO-OP Sapporo, I did Infrastructure Engineer at a Software House, System administrator at a GIS developer, Cloud engineer at a travel agency.
I moved from Tokyo to Sapporo in September 2020 then joined CO-OP Sapporo in October,
In charge of all things about AWS.
I love Route53 and IAM.
Applicable AWS Certification Program
  • AWS SAMURAI 2015